Saturday, December 15, 2012

The NEST is wrapping up: a goodbye, for now.

Ladies and gents, the NEST is bidding you adieu.

The NEST chronicled the experience of a newlywed couple living a frugal, offbeat lifestyle. We blogged about food, love, intimacy, childrearing, local events, crafts, and even renos. We took you along on a year-long journey, and I am so grateful that so many of you followed along. Because of you readers loving what you read, I got to do some amazing things, like helping to organize a spectacular social media conference, and getting to read my favourite blog post to a live audience. I rekindled my love of writing, and got to showcase some amazing local events and businesses. It's been a blast. 
So now, readers, you've got a choice to make. Remember the Choose Your Own Adventure novels you read as a kid? You're at one of those crossroads right now, my friends. You can end your readership here, with the closure of the NEST. The story will forever be the same, a happily ever after story. It's that point in the book where you can close it and walk away right now. Or, you can follow me once more into a new phase of my life, my writing, and my relationships. 
So, for the readers who choose to part ways here at the end of the NEST, let me say thank you. Thank you for being a part of my world, and for laughing, crying, and crafting along with me. 
For the readers who are ready to see what comes next, let me ready for a whole new adventure. Click here to follow onwards...
